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How To Install VX.2.14 Products. Detailed Guide Based On PADS Professional

October 26, 2023

! To enter the newer version of the installation guide, follow the link.

This guide provides a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial for the seamless installation and configuration of the PADS Professional or PADS Professional Premium software package, along with its licensing. Whether you’re new to PADS or upgrading to the Premium version, this manual will guide you through the process.

Please Note: This guide is applicable to PADS Professional version VX.2.14 and similar versions. We will specifically focus on setting up a digital floating license key with SALTD daemon, which allows configuration on a network server for access from multiple networked computers.

Additionally, this guide can be a valuable resource for those who are installing other software packages from the Siemens EDA portfolio: HyperLynx, Xpedition, etc.

Now, let’s dive into the detailed steps to ensure a successful installation and setup of PADS Professional Premium.

  1. Collect from a supplier required files:
  • PADS Professional offline installer for Windows, in our case called “”
  • Siemens License Server, in our case called “SiemensLicenseServer_v2.3.0.2_Win64_x86-64.exe”
  • License files in txt or lic format.

2. Run Siemens License Server as administrator.

Run as administrator menu

3. Select preferred installation language.

Select language menu

4. Import your license key.

Import and select license file menu

5. Configure network ports (in our case default ports 29000 and 29001 will be used).

Port changes window

6. Define the destination folder for the licensing server application (we use default location C:\Program Files\Siemens\License Server).

Window if choosing installation destination

7. Enter a Webkey if you would like to have Siemens License Install Management (SLIM) activated, otherwise click “I don’t want this feature”.

Enter Webkey window

8. Confirm installation by clicking “Next”.

Confirm webkey decision

9. Wait till the installation process ends, click “Done”.

Complete installation window

10. (OPTIONAL) Find the license file in the folder with active licenses. Default location: C:\ProgramData\Siemens\LicenseServer\ActiveLicenses.

Window with the license file

11. (OPTIONAL) Make sure that the license file is configured correctly. Check the correctness of the PC host name, also make sure if the MAC address in the license file is accurate as well.

License file content

12. (OPTIONAL) Start LMTOOL application (this is a part of the license server software package). LMTOOLS can be quickly found using the main Windows search panel.

Launch LMTOOLS window through search panel

13. (OPTIONAL) Make sure that lmgrd.exe and license files paths are correct.

Check paths in LMTOOLS

14. (OPTIONAL) In the tab “Server Status” of LMTOOLS click “Perform Status Enquiry” to check the status of the licenses. In case of the correct status of license modules, you will see the messages “Total of x licenses issues” related to each name of the license module.

Check status of license keys at LMTOOLS

15. Run the installation file of Pads Professional (in our case it is the file “setup.exe” from the preliminary extracted archive “”) as administrator.

PADS Professional installation file

16. Click “Install Products”.

Window for starting the installation

17. Choose the installation folder for the PADS Professional application (we follow default location in the present guide, C:\MentorGraphics).

Define installation folder

18. Choose a suitable type of installation.

Window for choosing the type of installation

19. Choose to set up licensing before installing PADS Professional.

Some products may not be availble for installation window

20. If you follow the current guide from the very beginning, choose the “Point to a license server” option.

Configure Licensing window

21. Choose “SALT_LICENSE_SERVER” and fill in the correct server’s data (can be copied from the license file). Make sure everything is correct by clicking “Test”.

Add License Server(s) window

22. Make a choice of products based on available license keys.

Product Selection window

23. Read and accept License Agreement.

License Agreement window

24. Confirm start of installation.

Confirm Selection window

25. During installation a few questions may be asked. For instance, a user needs to confirm if he bought a Floating or a Mobile Compute license.

Instralling Products window

26. Installation may require filling in the license server data once again in format port_number@host_name, in our case it is 29000@EDA-PC.

Siemens EBS User Environment configuration window

27. Define a working directory (WDIR). Here it will be C:\WDIR]PADSProVX.2.14.

Choose WDIR window

28. Finish environment configuration by clicking “Finish”.

Finish Environment Configuration window

29.  Complete installation.

Window of installation completion

30. Exit installation.

Window at the end of installation

31. (OPTIONAL) Open Windows system environment variables.

System Properties Windows config window

32.  (OPTIONAL) Make sure that the generated variables are correct.

Edit System Variables windows

PADS Professional has been expertly configured and is now primed to cater to your requirements!

Should you desire more information about PADS Professional, Xpedition, HyperLynx, or any other EDA solutions, do not hesitate to contact Sintecs at Our team is eager to offer you professional support and assist with your inquiries.

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