Green Team Twente; innovations in fuel.
Sintecs is helping the student led Green Team Twente with their PCB-Design. It’s inspiring when you enter the office of the Green Team Twente, or GTT for short. All around students are hard at work on their passion project. Bringing about innovations in the world of alternative fuel.
Hydrogen is what’s going on here. Leading in the quest for alternative fuels is GTT. Their mission is to demonstrate the broad applicability of hydrogen as a fuel alternative to fossil fuel.
Henk and I were warmly welcomed by Stijn, the external relations manager and Ishmée from the power-train team. Stijn and I had been in contact for some time about supporting GTT with their PCB-design work.
How it started.
The ball started rolling after the annual Sintecs lunch lecture at the student association Scintilla. Because Henk teaches the students about PCB-design annually, he sees a growing participation of electrical engineering students year after year. They indicate that this subject is little or not taught at the university. And see this lecture on PCB-design principles as extremely valuable.
Green Team Twente’s PCB-Design challenge.
From this lack of knowledge follow many challenges of the electrical engineering team of GTT. In other words, in addition to learning the PCB-design and evaluation software, they have to gain proficiency in board layout and design.
This is the moment where Sintecs and Henk’s team come in! They enthusiastically help review the PCBs used in the Aurora X and the new formula student car, by using DFM/DFA.
They help the GTT electrical engineering team with layout, design, and design for manufacturing (DFM). Optionally we would be able to assist them with signal integrity and power integrity as well. In an environment where the success of the project depends largely on the contribution of sponsors and thus tight budgets, it is all the more important to design with Sintecs’ philosophy of “first time right”.
The next step for GTT.
Now the focus is on the formula student. Because GTT has set the goal of competing for this coveted race next year. With their entry of (as yet) the only hydrogen-powered race car.
That is why a large part of the engineering team is busy preparing THEIR car for this race. In this moment completing their designs and getting the right components are the biggest challenges for the team.
Sintecs is happy to support and encourage up-and-coming technical talent. Teams like GTT are an incubator for young professionals who are enthusiastic about their technical craft. That is why by investing in them now, we are investing in a future filled with enthusiastic and skilled professionals.
Are you an enthusiastic young technical professional looking for a challenge in electronic engineering? Have look at our openings here, or send a message to Vera Hooijsma.
Keep in touch with our news page and see all development of the Green Team Twente and their PCB-Design challenges, or have a look at everything Green Team Twente here.